
I’m an software engineer by day, an event designer by night, and an entrepreneur at heart. I am the curator of Flower and Paper, a cultural buff and often blogs about weddings, travels, and tech trends.

Alexandra & David

Beautiful old world charm nestled in the hillside of Castro Valley, Westover Vineyard was a perfect place for Alexandra and 

Miriam & Matthew

What can I say, I love my job. What’s more fun than designing beautiful events and watch the lovely couple 

Lisa & Eller

Call me a dork but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE winery weddings. Lisa and Eller met me for an initial 

Summer Casual Photoshoot

After several months of spring rain, cloudy weather and cold temperature, summer is finally here. We can finally trade in 

Chandra & Chris

Emma, one of my favorite photographer friend, asked me to make a wedding bouquet for one of her bride as 

Tiffany & Lee

I fell in love with Breakfast at Tiffany ever since I saw the movie. Who doesn’t love Audrey Hepburn in 

Mai + Andrew

Mai + Andrew

The perfect setting for a tropical beach themed wedding on the lush grass of the Metropolitan Golf Course. Mai and

F&P website relaunched

I am very excited to announce the official relaunch of our website. Flower and Paper has new facelift. Yay, finally